Dealing With Race In America




I am going to delve into another sensitive area in this blog post.  I grew up hearing from black people that we don’t have the ability to discriminate.  This may come as a shock to every other race on the planet.  In order to explain this unique perspective on the issue, allow me to define the word discriminate.

First, the dictionary defines discrimination as: “the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.” That definition pretty much says it all.  It would appear to be all inclusive.  However, living life as an African American I ran across an interesting time and space anomaly.  I was told that African Americans cannot discriminate, we really can’t be racists.  Yes, you read that right.  If you want to understand the heart of so many misunderstandings, you need to understand this concept.

It is a belief held by far more African Americans that you may realize.  I know in writing this blog, I risk having my Black card pulled. Nevertheless, I am willing to take that risk. I am revealing insider information, but in my heart, I am convinced the truth needs to be told.  So many conversations go right to race because of this underlining belief system. I think the racial divide in this country is ripping apart the fabric of the nation and putting us at risk of destroying ourselves and the freedoms that many of our ancestors have bled and died to defend.

The Great Divide:

White America looks at America and thinks, “Hey this isn’t the sixties.  There are no more whites-only restrooms.  Blacks can live anywhere they want.  We have affirmative action to make things fair where they appear unfair.  And the topper is we elected the first black president in Barak Obama.  It seems like we are making progress, right?”  That is what they think.

In the minds of the black community, very little has changed.  You see, the black community is using these factors as a measuring stick.  From a Huffington Post article by Jeff Nesbit here are the indicators:

  • Black preschoolers are far more likely to be suspended than white children, according to an NPR report. Black children makeup 18 percent of the pre-school population, but represent almost half of all out-of-school suspensions.
  • Once they get to K-12, black children are three times more likely to be suspended than white children. Black students make up almost 40 percent of all school expulsions, and more than two-thirds of students referred to police from schools are either black or Hispanic, says the Department of Education.
  • The disparities exist in our neighborhoods and communities. Take income. In 2014, the median household income for whites was $71,300 compared to $43,300 for blacks. But for college-educated whites, the median household income was $106,600, significantly higher than the $82,300 for households headed by college-educated blacks, the report found.
  • A black man is three times more likely to be searched at a traffic stop, and six times more likely to go jail than a white person. Blacks make up nearly 40 percent of arrests for violent crimes.
  • Blacks aren’t pulled over (and subsequently jailed) more frequently because they’re more prone to criminal behavior, they’re pulled over much more frequently because there is an “implicit racial association of black Americans with dangerous or aggressive behavior,” the Sentencing Project found.


I give you this information because in the black community, these kinds of numbers, these disparities prove there is an institutional problem. While one side of the equations sees progress the other side is only frustrated by the lack of progress.  So when those two opposing ideologies realities collide you get Ferguson, MO.  You get rioting in Baltimore because the people who feel oppressed also feel no one is paying attention.  I am not saying by any means, this is the best way to handle it, but realize the perception is that the institution is against them.  So if the institution is against you, any emotions and feelings you have that may be racist are justified because you are the oppressed racial group.  Again, do I agree with that?  No.  Do I understand the frustration? Yes.  Have I figured out all the answers? No.  What advice can I give both groups? Communicate.

How Do We Begin The Conversation?

  • We need to acknowledge the current realities. 

While as one song puts it, “You have come a long way, baby,” we still have a long way to go.  The hurt was created over the course of hundreds of years. The history books have tried to soften the effects, even hide the truth.  However, the pain is real, the cuts are deep.  It will take time and intentional effort to move forward.

  • We need to approach the situation with a loving and forgiving spirit:

Forgiveness is not a human thing, it is a God-size accomplishment.  This is no human solution to fix this problem it will require heavenly intervention.  Remember this, nothing is too big for our God. Here is a biblical truth.

What does it mean, “to forgive” in the Greek?  Literally, aphiemi means “to send away” or “to make apart”. A graphic image I’ve used is, if sin is “missing the mark” not hitting the perfect bulls-eye forgiveness is “removing” or “taking away” all the errant arrows that have missed perfection. Nothing imperfect remains. They have been “sent away” — “removed”.  This is the direction in which, this racial issue needs to arrive at.  Where we not only forgive each other but send away all the issues that divide us.  We need to form a new relationship that is not so grounded in the past that it taints the present.  Then and only then can we avoid the hurts we keep doing to each other.  This is only one in an ongoing series of blogs on race.  Other new additions come out every Tuesday.  Stay tuned.


Other blogs in this series:

How To Develop A Circle Of Trust

How Do We See Beyond Color?

Caught Between Two Worlds

Links to the statistics:



119 thoughts on “Dealing With Race In America

  1. deanna reynolds says:

    As you know, Keith, but others reading this may not, the only answer since the fall of man – our rebellion against God – is the gracious gift from God. Jesus Christ. IN CHRIST there is no divide by gender or race or societal status! The word of God is that no social program of man can overcome these matters, and we are wasting our time NOT pursuing this from the inside out: first we repent individually and receive the new birth from heaven, then the kingdom of God smashes the kingdoms of men (Daniel 2; Rev. 19).

    Liked by 1 person

      1. deanna reynolds says:

        And it is clearly the Lord enabling you to be the light, speaking the truth in love. Isaiah 49:6; 60:1-3; Eph 4:14-15 my dear brother! God continue to bless you and yours.


      2. wisewithfifty says:

        Keith, Thank you for visiting and now following my blog. I’ve read this Race in America … (and will be reading more of your posts) and find it no coincidence that you have found me at this time. I appreciate your thoughts and agree. Now to speak of your timing. I’m in a master’s program for counseling; this quarter’s course: Counseling and Advocacy with Diverse Populations. We are delving into privilege vs oppression…and how many whites find the race conversation so uncomfortable that we shift the focus to gender, socioeconomic, and/or religious inequality. I have been party to this, not knowing that I was being dismissive. I know I am a “privileged” skin color and due to gender and abuse, I have been oppressed. I am recognizing that my life of pain is just not as pained as that of people of color.

        Thank you for using your voice,

        Wise w/ 50.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Susan Irene Fox says:

    “Blacks make up nearly 40 percent of arrests for violent crimes.” Yes, and even though blacks Americans make up less than 15% of the nation’s population, 42% of death row inmates are black.

    Until we wake up and acknowledge the systemic bias, we cannot engage in meaningful conversation about correcting it. It is the only way we can embody the apostle Paul’s statement to the Galatians: “There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. (3:28)”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Andy Oldham says:

      There is a systemic bias among us whites. We were taught this from our early years. What scares me is that with our forgiveness being taught to our children, this systemic bias is also growing in the Black community! Good comment Susan.


  3. Kitsy says:

    You are a man of God and a man of guts and integrity. You pointed out correctly that the problem is one of perceptions and degrees. White people…and while I want to say “MOST white people” I will just say “many white people” are pushing in the correct direction…but there is so much farther to push….so much so that from the black perspective, we’ve hardly moved at all. Their perspective is accurate. My only defense for white people is that for MANY white people, they’ve made a 180 degree turn from that of their parents and grandparents and, from personal experience, that was not easy. Many many times I heard from my father, “Why can’t you be like the rest of us?”. I am truly sorry that we have not made more progress. I do not know what more can be done in one lifetime than to make a complete about face, push against the tide, and do what I can to convince those around me to consider turning around, too. I ask for forgiveness (from you, from my other black friends, and from God) for not having done more or enough to matter.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Keith Haney says:

      Thank you for reading. My goal is to raise awareness. Point out the facts that we are not talking to each other but more around each other. We may even use the same terminology but are approaching it from two totally different points of view. I believe we are closer together than we all realize.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Keith Haney says:

      Kitsy, I know the problem of institutional racism has caused a deep wound in this area of race relations. One thing I am don’t want white people reading this to feel is more guilt. It is really about awareness. It is also time for awareness in the black community too. We have to stop assuming every white person is a closet racist. I just want us to come together. We are stronger together, working together for a better America than fighting with each other and cause each other more hurt, more guilt and deeper wounds.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Kitsy says:

    Reblogged this on The View from 5022 and commented:
    Keith is truly a man of God and a man of guts and integrity. He pointed out correctly that the problem is one of perceptions and degrees. White people…and while I want to say “MOST white people” I will just say “many white people” are pushing in the correct direction…but there is so much farther to push….so much so that from the black perspective, we’ve hardly moved at all. The black perspective is accurate. My only defense for white people is that for MANY white people, they’ve made a 180 degree turn from that of their parents and grandparents and, from personal experience, that was not easy. Many many times I heard from my father, “Why can’t you be like the rest of us?”. I am truly sorry that we have not made more progress. I do not know what more can be done in one lifetime than to make a complete about face, push against the tide, and do what I can to convince those around me to consider turning around, too. I ask for forgiveness (from Keith, from my other black friends, and from God) for not having done more or enough to matter.

    Please refer to previous posts Generalizations are Generally Wrong and In the Name of the Father.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Gary Bertnick says:

    America has always been a divided country. One group against another. We always have to have an enemy to keep our war appetite sharp and ready. We let the Evil One control us because many in leadership have sold their souls to darkness for temporary power and wealth. As was repeated, we are only “one” in the Lord Messiah. And that only by the Spirit of God. Maybe when persecution breaks out in America, black and white Christians will be selflessly drawn together. Hopefully with abused Native Americans as well. And whoever else happens to live here and “call upon the Name of the Lord”.
    Meanwhile each one of us has to be diligent and watchful as our Lord commanded us. “The “harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” We must be wise in the Lord and faithfully do our part. For that we are accountable before Him.
    Thank you Keith for doing yours.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Anthony Baker says:

    I can’t tell you how refreshing it was to read this! Ironically, or not, I had conversation similar to this over breakfast this morning, with very respected black pastor here in Chattanooga. My question to him was very honest, and I wanted an honest answer: How many times do we have to apologize? With ever new generation? Seriously, I want racial reconciliation as much as anyone I know – black or white – but it seems I’m one of the few who want to move beyond the past.

    I can’t speak with authority to the above statistics from Huffington Post. I have my opinions, partly based on what I see as a dualistic theology common within the typical black church community. It’s one thing to preach and teach good theology in the church, and worship on Sunday is fantastic, but somehow the religiosity needs to filter down to the social/cultural lives and families as they live life. Am I wrong? Am I off track?

    And may I say something about the “discrimination” issue? Back when Obama was first running for president, I worked in a place where there were more blacks than whites (to keep the color labels simple – I’m of mixed heritage). I could not say anything about his political agenda or disagree with his ideology without being called a bigot. No matter how much I tried, there was no convincing anyone that it was possible to not like Obama because of his beliefs, not his color.

    Eventually, the stress and hostility became so intense that I filed a report. In it I made note of the t-shirts worn to work…t-shirts that featured Obama’s likeness and said things like “Greatest Black Man In History!” I said, “What if I came in with a t-shirt with John Wayne on it, and what if it read, “Greatest White Man Ever”?

    The day finally came when I made a phone call to inquire about reverse racial discrimination in the workplace. Here I was, a white guy, that couldn’t even show up to work without being verbally assaulted. My workplace had become a hostile environment, therefore I figured I had a potential case. But what did the attorneys tell me? “You can’t sue, because you’re not a minority.” They spelled it out in more detail, but that was the nuts and bolts of it – it was an impossible case because blacks can’t be accused of discrimination by whites.

    So, before I could cause any trouble, I was graciously transferred.

    I’m sorry for such a long comment, but I had to get this off my chest. We can’t move forward as long as there are those who want to perpetuate the status of victimhood at the expense of fairness. We can’t cry for equality when one side refuses to accept equal status. No matter how many times we apologize (like with the recent SBC statement), there will always be those who keep bringing up the past, saying, “See! See what you did!”

    OK, I’ll stop. I’ve probably said too much as it is. All I know is that Jesus died for us all, black and white and everyone else. I want to do what’s right, but it would be nice to see more of the “offended” show some grace and forgiveness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Keith Haney says:

      Hi Anthony. I understand your pain. So many have no idea how much this racial divide is destroying everyone. Any broken relationship needs healing. I am just not convinced we are serious about fixing it as much as we are convinced it is hopeless. I am writing to encourage us not to give up. The relationship are worth saving. Blessings

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Wally Fry says:

    Interesting Keith and very good. Sigh. This is a tough one. Look, I live in Southeast Arkansas. What can I say? I’m not even sure how to say what I want to say. That is how difficult this topic can be, because I don’t struggle generally just saying things. Maybe a story would help.

    My grandaughter happens to be a mixed child. My own mother, who taught me for years that racial discrimination was wrong, and did a good job of it, had the biggest problem with this of anybody in my family. We actually didn’t speak for a few years over this issue.

    So, systematic, legal discrimination may be a thing of the past, but people’s hearts are still behind. I know to be truly color blind is probably never going to happen, because nobody is, and if they say different they are not being truthful. On the other hand, it seems crystal clear that Jesus was, in fact, color blind. Who is our example? Well, Jesus of course.

    Just my two cents

    Thanks, Keith

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Jenny Dougherty says:

    Thank you Pastor Keith for a well written message. We pray continually for the protection of “all” in these matters. Thank you for allowing this to be shared.

    In his name

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Keith Haney says:

      You are welcomed it is a issue that God has placed on my heart. So this is part of an on-going Tuesday series. I have seen nothing but positive feedback. Thank you for reading and I pray it begins a healing process in our land.


  9. burresor says:

    I cannot argue that numbers do not lie. The real question is that I cannot help but ponder is: Can people discriminate?

    It has become so much a common practice to define a person by the pigment of their skin that it is a norm to segregate everyone into groups, parties, clubs, and or cliches well after adolescence into adulthood and therein lies the heart of the very issue.

    Instead of looking at one another as God looks at us, we are too busy looking at one another in worldly eyes. Society dictates us define a person based on:

    Economic Status

    ….. This could go on likely endlessly.

    The point is…we all need to wake up and appreciate the beauty of one another. Recognize one another as the beautiful, wondrous, awesome beings we are made in God’s image and love one another as He does and did us.

    Thank you for posting this. It has been most enlightening.

    God Bless


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Keith Haney says:

      Thank you Renee. I have another one that addresses the issues you bring up. That one is looking beyond color. Thanks for reading. I am trying to point people to a better, more God-Pleasing future.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Keith Haney says:

        Thank you…I started this praying that I could address it in a way that might bring healing and not bring further pain. So far it has been well received. I hope to turn this into a book.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Suze says:

    I want so badly to share and have no bloody idea how to do so without offending, annoying, irritating or otherwise causing grief to someone…With that said here goes nothing…I am of mixed race. I LOOK white. green eyes, olive skin, definite caucasian looks and am judged to be racist due to my skin color. I am not. I may be bigoted but it isn’t due to the color of someone’s skin. I am bigoted against stupid people..people that are forever victims regardless of whether or not they have ever been victimized..I am bigoted towards the far right and the far left politically. I am bigoted towards those that dismiss people of a religion different than theirs…not because of color. I am a pariah in my own family because of my beliefs and my actions trying to make the world a better place for everyone. I no longer know what to do to create a better more loving world for everyone. I feel we are on the precipice of Hell in the way we treat each other in this country and throughout the world. Blacks are no better or no worse than group has more criminal tendencies than the other. No group is smarter or more loving than the other. My children know this..why can’t everyone else? I have marched for equality, lived for equality, fought for it, lost friends and loves in the fight and I am losing the heart for any more. Keep talking, keep sharing. I am worn out and welcome another taking up the banner and running with it. And I pray your generation succeeds where mine so obviously failed.


    1. Keith Haney says:

      I feel your pain. I am African American living and trying to navigate my way in a 95% Anglo church body. I was liberal early on but discovered those policies only empowered poverty and dependence. Now I don’t know what I am politics wise. I sorta feel just leave me alone.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. maryhamrick says:

    Thank you for this conversation. It is only after having honest conversations with others that I began to understand what people of color experience every day. I don’t see what they go through outside of our time together in school,church, and work, where things seem to been even. But outside of those hallowed halls (and hidden within them) there is discrimination. There is such judgement. I may not be popular, but now that I have seen a bit of what life is like for others, I cannot be silent. Wrong is always wrong, no matter where it happens!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Keith Haney says:

      Hi Mary, I am glad I could help you see things from the other side of the coin. I alway want to make sure people have honest conversations. Because only through those conversation can true healing take place. If you want to share this blog post please do so. Blessings.


  12. Stephanie Romero says:

    I appreciate you addressing this issue. Let me share my perspective as a white woman who works in a predominantly black workplace. I am the Expulsion Secretary for a very large school district. I work in the Discipline office, comprised of 6 people, with me being the only white person. Because we deal strictly with discipline, what I see are figures much higher than the Department of Education indicated, as far as suspensions and school expulsions. In fact, in my school district, black students make up 98% of expulsions. Raised in a mostly Spanish neighborhood and getting bused to the north side (which is predominantly black) most of my life, color was never a real issue for me. I had friends of all races (and still do today). When I started working as the Expulsion Secretary, the reality of what the black community goes through struck me hard. On the one hand you see assaults, gun possession, drugs and other serious offenses being committed by mostly black students. It can easily cause you to think negatively about the black race. I think it’s almost natural to do that. And to be honest, that’s how I started off feeling. For the first time in my life, I had a negative attitude toward the black race because they were doing all these wrong things. But as time went on and I got to know their stories, meet their parents, foster parents or learn of their circumstances…my heart changed. I was focused on the wrongs and not on their difficult circumstances. I saw the poverty, lack of resources, absent fathers, young mothers, and other challenges, which were the real issue. Not the act of what the student did wrong. But the struggles they were facing (and that I couldn’t possibly relate to).

    But while my heart was compassionate toward them, so often I would see different treatment toward me compared to my coworkers. At times it seemed like my compassion was seen as pity and they didn’t want that. Yet if I didn’t show compassion, I was seen as a typical white privileged person. In other words, I couldn’t win. I had great moments, where I connected with a student or a parent. But I also had many moments where I could tell a parent something and they would give me a hard time…yet my coworker would tell them the same thing and it was received well. Sometimes I have felt frustrated because it was like I was seeing beyond color but others weren’t. It felt unfair. If I acted the way some of the parents did, I would have been called a racist. Yet I had to be understanding of their treatment toward me.

    I say all this (which is a lot), in the hopes of getting others to understand how it feels to be on the other side. When you feel like you are automatically considered a racist just because of your skin color. Isn’t THAT being racist? I guess I don’t know the answer to that. What I do know is that I’ve been privileged to work with people who, despite being another race, know Christ. Every single person in my office is a believer and it’s made a significant difference. Still, it doesn’t completely erase the challenges. Forgive my long comment…it felt good to get off my chest. Thanks again for being bold enough to address these types of sensitive answers.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Keith Haney says:

      As an African American working in an almost all white setting. I totally understand what you are saying. One thing I want to accomplish in writing this is to express those very issues you are addressing. When African Americans believe they can’t be racists if gives permission to practice hate unchecked. Also dangerous. My blog next week will deal with this hopefully and continue to open eyes and dialogue. Thanks for having the courage to share your experience.

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  13. Carlene W. says:

    As always, I really appreciated what you have shared. Living in a white community growing up, I saw how prejudicial people could be and although I have always considered myself to not be biased in any way, I am sure that I have said or done things that are not loving at one time or another. Understanding why African American’s believe what they do and why they respond the way they do, helps me to learn about their lives and enriches mine. I cannot imagine living in a free country, but not having the same freedoms as white skinned people. If you are an American, you should have the same freedoms and rights, as anyone else. It saddens me that our world is so full of violence. We need to guard our hearts, as everything we do flows from it and guard our minds. I look forward to your next post in this series. Blessings to you and thank you for being so open and honest.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Curt Berg says:

    Hi Keith, your blog is thought-provoking. I also enjoyed reading the comments.

    I believe one of the biggest mistakes we’ve made is to call a different color group a different “race”. It makes them less than human. We are the human race, not the white race, the black race, the red race, or yellow race. Talk about grouping people into their proper molds? My daughter celebrates her 1 year anniversary of her wedding to an African-American man. It rocked our white suburban world. She is also pregnant. If blacks and whites were different races, what would you call this baby? I still will call him/her human. And I will love her/him in the best way I know how GOD loves me. May we all pursue GOD the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. And as we do, may we also love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Maybe that’s the problem! We don’t really love ourselves.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Joanna Lynn says:

    One of the best articles written on racial issues. I commend you and love the way you worded it all. No one can argue the statistics no matter how much has changed, there is still much work to do. I especially loved the fact you stated that none of this can fully be accomplished without God. I love the way you think and how you write.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Olawunmi says:

    As someone observing from a different part of the world and horrified by the discrimination and the resulting tension, reading your post and the comments gives me a measure of hope that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel, that there are Americans who are approaching this with Christ as the centre. Thanks for writing! I’d rather read your posts about these issues than the hatred and anger that’s being proliferated on social media.


  17. Spaniardviii says:

    racism of any kind whether whites toward blacks or blacks toward whites comes from the one and only Satan the enemy of our souls. Any type of hatred that any human being gives to another is demonically influence to spread discourse so as to place in black peoples heart hatred towards white people and effecting their salvation in Christ. If you hate someone that means that your heart is harden for the gospel to enter in. This is one of Satan’s goal is to convince people that they are hated so to hate them back and sealing their fate of ever getting saved. One day this will all end when we are with Christ. We are all the same because we all came from the same dust that God used to make us with. As Christians first off we must love those who don’t love us back and those that do. How do er look like Christ by loving our enemies and praying for them. Again, one day this sinful world will end and we will live in a new one that has not sin but pure love not only for one another but for Jesus which to me is the best part to be with Jesus forever.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Spaniardviii says:

        Amen. You and I have in our hearts something much stronger than the world influence on us. The love of Jesus….I like how Romans 8:35-39 says it, ” 35 Who can separate us from the love of Christ? Can affliction or anguish or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written: Because of You
        we are being put to death all day long;
        we are counted as sheep to be slaughtered. 37 No, in all these things we are more than victorious through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that not even death or life,
        angels or rulers, things present or things to come, hostile powers,
        39 height or depth, or any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

        Liked by 1 person

  18. Pete says:

    Keith, thank you for this piece. I am one who has been rethinking my position on this whole subject. I have been in the camp of “they bring it on themselves” when talking about the disparity between the races in terms of arrests and school suspensions, etc. But through reading many people on this forum, and having an open mind, I am learning that I have been wrong and I need to change my way of thinking. Posts like this help me do that. I still have a long way to go, but I p;an to continue to keep my mind open to hear what others say. Hopefully, there are many others out there who are going through the same thing, and we can have an affect that will change the perceptions. And, of course, I believe it is first a spiritual problem, and that we all need more of Jesus and His love to overcome this. God bless you!


    1. Keith Haney says:

      Hi Pete I am producing a Bible Study called “It’s Time to Heal Race in America.” It should be out in March 2017. I think you will find it a good resource to help the conversation. It grew out of these series of blog posts on the topic. Have a blessed day and we need people that n both sides to start thinking differently.

      Liked by 2 people

  19. Elizabeth says:

    This may ruffle a lot of feathers but I think the mind-set that blacks can’t be racist (clearly untrue) causes a great deal of division. When one group tells another that only they are the victims of something it creates anger and tension. Groups like black lives mater are dragging race relations backwards at a breakneck pace. And the anti-white sentiments expressed by the Obamas has done tremendous harm to racial relations. And the studies you quote are all put out by infamously liberal institutions. Until everyone stops claiming they’re victims nothing will change.


    1. Keith Haney says:

      Hi Elizabeth you are right we need to all work together to heal race in America. That has been the focus of this entire series of articles on race. I have been trying to address the topic in a fair and hopeful manner.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Elizabeth says:

        I need to read the entire series. Today it’s been hard for me to get out of bed. All the cooking yesterday (and being up past my 8 o’clock bedtime) wore this old lady out!
        It’s critical to the health of America that we all stop thinking of people with different hues of skin as different. It’s not the color of our skin that makes us who we are. The values our parents taught us, our experiences, and our faith should be the things that matter.


  20. Bhushavali says:

    It is very unfortunate.. I haven’t been to USA. But I’ve been the brown gal in London. When I moved to London I was so scared that I might face racism but fortunately I didn’t at all!


  21. Pospi O Otuson says:

    Well written, I must say this is an awesome article and came at the right time, this issue should have been addressed a long time ago.

    Thank God it came directly to me.. thanks for sharing


  22. Laura Droege says:

    Keith, thank you for this honest and gracious post. I have lived my entire life in the deep south (Georgia and Alabama), and I can honestly say that I’ve thought about race a great deal because of a family divide over interracial marriage. Even as a little girl, I cried over this division because I knew it was wrong to discriminate against others because of their race. But I’ve also lived in a “white bubble”: my churches have been predominately white, my private schools were predominately white, my neighborhoods, etc. (I live in a well-educated area of Alabama where openly racist attitudes are frowned upon. In theory, we’re integrated and diverse. In reality, we’re anything but integrated!) Because of social media and blogs, I’ve become more aware of racial attitudes and the various statistics about institutionalized racism.

    For years, it’s been on my heart to write about race and interracial relationships, and I’m working on a novel about a biracial girl who looks white. It’s been one of the most frustrating stories I’ve ever worked on! I’m constantly aware that I could be playing into stereotypes of African-Americans without realizing it, and that the potential future readers might be offended at the portrayal of the protagonist’s love interest because he turns out to be a not-so-great guy. (Among other things, he has little respect for her physical boundaries and wants to move too quickly into a serious romantic relationship. If I left that behavior unchallenged, it gives a wrong impression of what’s appropriate in gender relationships.) There are several other minority characters in the novels. As an unpublished writer, I’m really struggling with how to create realistic, well-developed characters, and the more I read online about various “tropes” and “stereotypes” of minority characters, the more frustrated I feel. And afraid. I’m always thinking about that potential reader judging my work. I want to show racial reconciliation and give hope, not alienate people with offensive characters.

    Sorry for the long-winded comment. It’s good to express this frustration.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Keith Haney says:

      You go for it girl. My next work in the new year will deal with race in America. I finished a Bible Study on it in 2016 that God willing will be published in March. As a first-time author I had no idea anyone would pick up any of my writing. It was such a joy to complete it and I believe it will radically change opinions and attitudes about race from a biblical perspective. My novel will be on the same topic and then I have a totally different second book in mind. In between those projects I will be doing something geared toward Millennials. I will be praying for wisdom and inspiration for you and your work.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. anceantovska says:

    I do not like when people discriminate each other. We came form the same word and we go to the same place. Not mater how we look, in what believe or how we speak! We are just a people!


  24. FS Page says:

    Thats a great perspective. I feel even if somehow manage to eradicate all types of discrimination from the world, we will in a very short span of time discover some other ways of discrimination. I feel it is embedded in our DNA to discriminate, no matter who we are, where we are from. We will discriminate someone for something. This is probably borne out of the very survival instinct or the race we call life. Only when we discriminate, do we feel superior, or better


  25. Zwitsy says:

    It’s just so saddening how people find it easily to discriminate other people particularly the black ones. Like even here in the Philippines, if your complexion is darker than the majorities, expect to get bullied. As a mom, it sure hurts me a lot to see kids bully other kids and that’s what I don’t want my son to do to other and so for him to experience as well. Anyhow, people will eventually learn from their mistakes when they get to experience it.

    Liked by 1 person

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