Words for the Week: Patience

Patience is forged over the hot coals of trials. Those trials strengthen us for the long journey of faith. – Keith Haney

I have never asked God for patience for I fear the things I would have to go through to develop that spiritual muscle. Yet, the last twelve months of my life has been a constant lesson in patience. This past year has taught me that patience is forged over the hot coals of trials. Those trials strengthen us for the long journey of faith. In preparing this post I came across the greatest explanation of the biblical understanding of patience.

Hebrews 12:1 tells us to “run with endurance” the race set before us. George Matheson wrote, “We commonly associate patience with lying down. We think of it as the angel that guards the couch of the invalid. Yet there is a patience that I believe to be harder — the patience that can run. To lie down in the time of grief, to be quiet under the stroke of adverse fortune, implies a great strength; but I know of something that implies a strength greater still: it is the power to work under stress; to have a great weight at your heart and still run; to have a deep anguish in your spirit and still perform the daily tasks. It is a Christ-like thing! The hardest thing is that most of us are called to exercise our patience, not in the sickbed but in the street.” To wait is hard, to do it with “good courage” is harder! – Our Daily Bread, April 8.

Lord I pray that you will give me the strength to still work for you and the Kingdom while it breaks my heart, my spirit is downcast, my hope waning. Give me the patience to courageously live a life which gives honor and glory to you. That is the patience spirit I desire in 2020. It is patience grounded on hope in a benevolent God and a compassionate Savior.


Dear Lord,
This has been quite a journey and the end is not in plain sight. Through all the trials of life Lord, you are my refuge and strength. In hard times You are an ever-present helper in times of trouble. Help me cling to You and the truth of Your word. When the journey seems insurmountable I know Mighty One You are by my side. When my hope wains Father Your grace is sufficient. As the prophet, Nahum reminds me, “The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of distress; He cares for those who take refuge in Him.” (Nahum 1:7) In Jesus’ name. Amen

Other posts in this series: https://revheadpin.org/2019/01/07/words-for-2019-courageous/

What is Your Word For 2019?

What is Your Word For 2019?

23 thoughts on “Words for the Week: Patience

  1. nancyehead says:

    A beautiful message to keep moving as led, rather than sitting and waiting. There are times to be still and know He is God. And there are times to persevere through difficulty. Great message.


  2. Karen Foster says:

    Thank you for another perspective. I’ve had to be patient..lying on my sick bed for the past two months. Not fun! Better now…and agree with you that patience is needed when we carry a great weight in our daily affairs.


  3. neweverymorning.org says:

    God can produce much fruit from our many trial. I am so thankful that his steadfast love never ceases and his mercies are new every morning. He is so good!
    Thanks for sharing, Keith.


  4. Godwin T. Ihagh says:

    very educative post. its a shame to see how most people—especially from where I come from—in this era lack patience and expect a seed (their dreams & efforts) to grow within a day (the shortest time) and become a tree (achievement of their dreams) …

    Liked by 1 person

  5. rothpoetry says:

    I have never asked God for patience for I fear the things I would have to go through to develop that spiritual muscle.

    This is the way I feel as well. Our expectations are often not what we get when we make our requests! Great post.


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